Saturday, April 5, 2014

Seascape and orcas

This piece has developed a life of its own! It tells me whether each element works or not. The gel transfer of the orca pod didn't turn out too bad, but when placed on the piece it looks flat, and worse, cheesy. Wrong way to do it! So I padded and stitched the orcas instead.

For the foam, I deconstructed a flair thread:

The green hills are next; I have not figured out how to do it.
This piece will not contain all the required elements for the Mixed Media class, since I could not figure out a way to use them all here. I am contemplating a second piece with tyvek cliffs and gel water. Other elements of the class, such as the angelina fiber pieces will have to be stand alone elements, unless I can think of a way to use them with either piece.

On another note, my NAN submissions for this year had been judged and returned. I did not blog this piece, Northern Lights study, which got third place in the original category, so here it is.

For my other pieces, Sacred Kingfisher received 1st place, and Moth Orchid received 2nd place for the non-original category, both of which I blogged while stitching. NAN may award multiple 1st and 2nd place awards. Here are their 2014 Exemplary winners. Pat myself on the back!

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